Progress to {{item[0]}}: {{item[1]}}%
Your number is

Your number is gaining {{format(getComputed('','P_speed')||0)}} per second
Offline time progressing: {{format(offlineTime)}} seconds

Display {{player.D}} significant digits
Numbers beyond 9e15 have both mantissa and exponent count into significant digits
Show ≤{{player.p}} progress statements
Update interval: {{player.u}} ms
Automatic saving:
Use shorthand for sequences when it can shorten {{player.d}} or more entries
Offline progress speed: ×{{format(Math.exp(player.o*.03+2))}}
A: toggle all autobuyers. R: toggle all autoprestiges.
Shift + 0~9 to record the viewing layer. 0~9 to visit the recorded layer.
Space: prestige that layer.
B: buy max of that layer.
N: buy max of number generator.
M: buy max of everything.
Double click on something to buy max of it.