Your number is {{MainNumber|show}}
Your number is gaining {{Growth|show}} per second
Update interval: {{UpdateInterval}} ms
Automatic saving:
Display numbers in base-{{NumberBase}}
Display {{Precision}} significant digits
Hotkey: 0 to buy max of all zero-only BM, 2 ~ 9 to unlock BM with corresponding base number, 1 to buy (0)(1)[n].
Double click on something to buy max of it.
You achieved {{AchieveCellN|showInt}} cells(3×3), boosting zero-only BM by {{AchieveCellEff|show}}×

You have played the game for {{GamePlayed()}} seconds.

Your number has ever reached {{MainNumberEver|show}}.
You have ever unlocked {{text}}, so far.
You have ever unlocked zero-only BM {{BM0etcUnlockTotal|showInt}} times in total.